Optimize performance

You may think your site is too small for performance optimization... it is never true... with the nature of the web, it is always good to be ready for any inflow of visits after you get linked from a popular website. Further, the more responsive your site is, the more people will appreciate their visit (including you). A nonresponsive site will take more time to be indexed, more likely to be forgotten by users who will be less likely to come back. As a matter of fact, google did a study and if the web page takes more than 5 seconds to load, 25% people will leave the page... so if your page is taking too long to load, you are losing people already.

Optimization tip: Optimize database requests

Relational databases rock when it comes to extracting data but they are very resource hungry. Here are a few things you can do

Optimization tip: Consider a daemon process

Sometimes you need to access data or resources with a long init process. By offloading this to a daemon that stays in memory and optimizes calls, some long processes can make the query instantaneous.

Optimization tip:Consider a cron job

Some tasks such as caching, prefetching data can be offloaded to a cron job that would run at regular intervals, preferably to offpeak times

Optimization tip: Consider using specialized servers

Search engines are a good example. Some machines will crawl, others will index the data and others will serve the data... If you have limited web power resources such as a VPS. Consider running some processes at home where having a powerful machine is free for you.

Optimization tip: Optimize code

Optimization tip: Load balancing

Optimization tip: cache content

RSS feeds, databases and fetched data like social network interaction can bring lots of power to your site... but it can really slow your website. Make sure the cache refreshes enough yet refresh as little as possible (in some cases data can be cached for days). Either in a simple way or through specialized processes like memcache. This particularly holds true for anonymous access of the landing page which often contains non user specific content.

Optimization tip: Alternative servers

servers nginx like nginx can instantly boost your performance (though to be fair apache has done efforts to catch up). Consider alternatives to all server processes.

Optimization tip:  consider different/ simpler programs

Some great software is out which can do tons of stuff... yet at the cost of added resources. If all you need is a picture gallery, consider a simple gallery program and not a big complicated CMS that will have a picture feature

Optimization tip: consider static pages

Many times, dynamic pages are necessary... but sometimes, a simple html file will do, maybe offloading the dynamic part to a script

Optimization tip: Separate Static content

It is good to host static content on a separate server. Even if your server is under heavy load, the images/ css will load faster faster

Optimization tip: Only run the services needed

On development machines, it is tempting to enable tons of services that you will not use for fun and wow factor... on production machines, run only what is needed. Not only will your server be more responsive but it makes your installation more secure with less security holes.

Optimization tip: optimize images, css, preload

Good luck in making sites more responsive